A new firmware update, Version V1.14, is now available for Scoopy+ S.
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A new firmware update, Version V1.09, is now available for ScoopTeam.
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A new firmware update, Version V1.14, is now available for Scoop5 S and Scoop5 S-IP.
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A new firmware update, Version V1.10, is now available for the µScoop.
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A new firmware update, Version V1.12, is now available for ScoopFone 4G et ScoopFone IP.
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Come and meet us at the European Radio and Digital Audio Show 2019 which will take place on Thursday 24, Friday 25 and Saturday 26 January at the Grande halle de la Villette in Paris.
The new AETA “Double Streaming” feature is an efficient way of strongly increasing the robustness of an AoIP link, thanks to a redundant link that can compensate for losses on the main link.
Double Streaming is available through a simple software update for the following AETA products:
MultiScoop (V1.01) / ScoopTeam (V1.05) / Scoopy+ S (V.1.11) / Scoop5 S and Scoop5 S-IP (V.1.11) / µScoop (V1.07).
With the AETA Remote Access feature, you can control all the parameters of your codecs remotely and in real time via the Internet, including via 4G mobile networks.
This new remote control option is now available on the full range of AETA Audio Systems codecs running through IP:
MultiScoop / Scoop5-S and Scoop5S-IP / µScoop / Scoopy+S / ScoopFone 4G / ScoopFone IP / Scoopy+S / ScoopTeam