The AETA Quarterly — January 2021

24 January 2021

Welcome to 2021 and the AETA Audio Systems quarterly newsletter! As we enter the New Year we look to the future with hope and anticipation.

For AETA, evolution is all part of the game and 2021 combined with the omnipresence of our changed reality offers a fresh start, a new beginning of sort. We see this as a perfect time to take a step beyond, to reflect on our past experiences of course. But also to move forward with ambition and the objective of crafting ever more clever technologies for the broadcast industry. All this while never losing sight of our continued goal to protect future generations through long-term development and sustainability.

In addition to the transitions taking place in the greater universe, AETA has been busy evolving in its own galaxy. In December, for example, we said goodbye to our good friend and coworker Serge De Jaham — who after a quarter of a century with AETA — decided to take on new challenges. As with any change, we adapted accordingly and thus have begun writing a new chapter with the entry of Quentin Richard as company CTO.

We look forward to the day we can share all the details in person but for now we’ll continue to exchange information with you through our virtual tools. The entire AETA team takes this opportunity to thank you for being our business partner and wish you a safe, prosperous and, above all, healthy 2021.

Quentin Richard


With Quentin Richard’s entry as CTO comes new possibilities, and we’re planning some exciting milestones in 2021!

In addition, we continue to innovate and invest in R&D, transforming our internal process so that we’re increasingly agile and able to respond even quicker to evolving market requirements.

Innovation and efficiency has always been key for AETA, and this year we’ll unveil a host of new products and upgrades, which reflect our long heritage and expertise and that are able to swiftly respond to our customers’ needs.


We officially launched eScoopFone in 2020 and we’re happy to report it has been very well received. In an effort to continually respond to our clients’ developing requirements, we are constantly adding new features and enhancements. Most recently we upgraded the eScoopFone iOS version so that it also works when connected to iRig and Focusrite devices.


Thomas Fengel
We’re introducing a series of free online tutorials to help keep our business partners abreast with all the recent developments at AETA.

Hosted by Thomas Fengel, AETA’s European sales manager, the first event focuses on how to increase link safety using security features of audio codec hardware. It will offer insight into topics including channel bonding, double streaming, forward error correction, audio bit rate adjustment, and more.
Designed for technical staff at broadcast houses, this session will take place live on six different dates and times from Jan. 26 to Feb. 5. Sign up for free so you can apply this useful information to help ensure your link safety during broadcasts!

Register here!


As mentioned above, we have a lot on tap for 2021 so stay tuned for more exiting information. In the meantime, we’d really like to hear from you, to get your input on market trends in your area, as well as feedback from your customers who are using our products. We’d also love to hear your suggestions about our solutions
Contact us!